Financial Resilience Partnership
Good Shepherd Australia Partnership In 2022, NCQ and Good Shepherd Australia is partnering to implement the Queensland Financial Resilience Program (QFRP) through Neighbourhood Centres in...
Good Shepherd Australia Partnership In 2022, NCQ and Good Shepherd Australia is partnering to implement the Queensland Financial Resilience Program (QFRP) through Neighbourhood Centres in...
Disaster Resilience in Queensland Queensland is the most natural disaster affected state in Australia. Whilst Queenslanders have always responded to cyclones, floods, bushfires and drought,...
Cyclones, storms and monsoonal flooding are increasingly severe Although monsoon forms a natural part of the northern Queensland climate, the effects of climate change have...
Bushfires burn 7.7million hectares of land Over the summer of 2019-2020, more than 90 bushfires occurred in Queensland, burning 7.7 million hectares of land. Fourteen...
Drought has long-term social, economic and environmental impacts As of May 2020, 41 Councils and four part-Council areas within Queensland were drought-declared; together these make...
Written Submissions and Public Briefings In 2021, the Queensland Government called for a Parliamentary Inquiry into Loneliness and Social Isolation in light of the COVID19...
Conversational Research In 2019, NCQ received funding from the Queensland Government to support Neighbourhood Centres to attend the Biannual Community Development Conference. This flowed on...
NCQ Annual Survey and Social Value Report NCQ conduct an annual Neighbourhood Centre survey with our Queensland Neighbourhood and Community Centre members to better understand...
Co-developed measurement tool to demonstrate Neighbourhood Centre impact 33 consultations occurred to design a new reporting framework for Neighbourhood Centres. Consultations included research bodies, peak...