Taylor began working with NCQ as part of her social work student placement in January 2022. Since then, she has been supporting the organisation’s Communications to build relationships and connect with Neighbourhood and Community Centres through the Stories of Impact and Local Community Hero Projects alongside social media and NCQ’s monthly Sector and Members Newsletters.
Taylor primarily works to share the stories of people behind the doors of Neighbourhood and Community Centres through NCQ’s Stories of Impact and Local Community Hero Projects.
“Since I started with NCQ, I have had some of the most incredible conversations with truly inspiring people. People that are willing to go more than above and beyond for their communities.”
The people who work in Neighbourhood and Community Centres are a constant source of inspiration for Taylor, who is grateful for the conversations she gets to be a part of on a weekly basis.
“I love my job. I have had the privilege of hearing and sharing stories about people who have volunteered for decades; people who have created really unique initiatives to build connection in their communities; people who are advocating for systemic change; people who have found solutions to make sure their community members have somewhere safe to sleep; people that have driven hours just to have a conversation with someone who is socially isolated. All of these people are so genuine in their desire to help, connect and support the people around them.”
Since becoming part of the team, Taylor’s interest in the Neighbourhood and Community Centre sector has grown. She is currently working towards writing her honours thesis on the role of Neighbourhood and Community Centre’s in the social and emotional wellbeing of multicultural communities.
“The people in Neighbourhood Centres have proven to me time and time again the power of community-led, local initiatives. Neighbourhood and Community Centre’s are an incredible amalgamation of people who genuinely care, who are creative, who are inclusive and who are deeply motivated by the needs of the community they serve. They are such a unique and vital part of the social fabric of our communities, and I want to learn more about the work they do.”
When she isn’t working or studying, Taylor is often found rock climbing at her local gym, painting, making rugs in her shed or wondering why her veggie garden refuses to grow.